Junior Professorship in Public Law

Delivery Deadline: 16.10.2021 00:00

In a joint procedure with the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), the Faculty of Law invites applications for a


Junior Professorship (m/f/d) of Salary Scale W1 NBesO in Public Law


to be appointed by 1st of April 2022. The position is limited to three years (with the option to renew the contract for a further three years).


In a joint appointment process (“Jülicher Modell”) involving the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), the faculty is looking for a dedicated researcher. THE DZHW was established by the German federal and state governments, to meet the demand for scientifically reliable findings regarding the ongoing process of change in the knowledge society and in the higher education sector. The DZHW is based in Hannover with additional locations in Berlin and Leipzig, and around 300 employees. It is a national and international competence centre for higher education and scientific research. The scientific departments of the DZHW conduct epistemological and problem-oriented research on current and long-term developments at all levels of higher education and the science system. The Junior Professorship is located in the department "Governance in Higher Education and Science" of the DZHW. After positive evaluation upon completing the junior professorship, permanent employment with the DZHW (paid according to Salary Scale 15 TVöD) is envisioned. There is the possibility of habilitation at the Faculty of Law.


The focus of the activity, in particular the research activity, is on law in higher education and research. Due to the joint appointment, close cooperation and professional exchange at the interdisciplinary interface of law and social sciences is expected, for example, on legal frameworks of state, federal and European law for the organisations of the higher education and science system, including governance mechanisms and their change at national and international level. The teaching load, which has been reduced to two semester hours (2 LVS), can be completed in the compulsory subjects of the state examination, as well as in the specialisation field and in the supplementary courses of the Faculty of Law.


Prerequisites for the Junior Professorship include completion of a state examination (at least “Prädikat”) or a comparable foreign degree as well as a qualified doctorate in the field of public law. Demonstration of interest in law in higher education and research through the doctorate or other publications is considered desirable. The successful candidate is expected to conduct research in law in European or international higher education and research as well as procure third-party funding.


Conditions of appointment are in accordance with the Higher Education Act of Lower Saxony (Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz - NHG). Details will be provided upon request